Dreams Claudia Dawson Dreams Claudia Dawson

Oasis in the desert

Dream, February 18, 2025

My angels tell me there is an oasis in the desert. A prince is waiting. The oasis and the prince are archetypal symbols. The oasis symbolizes a place of refuge and spiritual renewal amidst barren desolation, and the prince symbolizes the quest to fulfill your potential. This is the beginning of a new journey—one with trials and obstacles. The task is simple: trust there is an oasis in the desert—hope among the darkness—and that the prince is destined to ascend the throne. The path is yours to claim.

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Diary Claudia Dawson Diary Claudia Dawson

Dreamlike Worlds: The Early Stages of Human Consciousness in a Forming Universe

Book highlights from Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment by Jane Roberts

  • These grids of perception “do not exist forever” in your dimension of time, for your dimension of time cannot hold anything that is outside it. Once a world exists, however, it becomes imprinted or stamped upon eternity, so that it exists in time and out of it “at once.

  • So in the beginning of [your] world, consciousness fluctuated greatly, focusing gently at the start, but not quite as willing to be as fully independent as its first intent might seem. You had the sleepwalkers, early members of your species, whose main concentration was still veiled in that earlier subjectivity, and they were your true ancestors, in those terms.

  • For what would seem to you to be eons, according to your time scale, men were in the dreaming state far more than they were in the waking one. They slept long hours, as did the animals — awakening, so to speak, to exercise their bodies, obtain sustenance, and, later, to mate. It was indeed a dreamlike world, but a highly charming and vital one, in which dreaming imaginations played rambunctiously with all the probabilities entailed in this new venture: imagining the various forms of language and communication possible, spinning great dream tales of future civilizations replete with their own built-in histories — building, because they were now allied with time, mental edifices that automatically created pasts as well as futures.

  • What was needed was a highly focused, precisely tuned physical self that could operate efficiently in a space and time scheme that was being formed along with physical creatures — a self, however, that in one way or another must be supported by realms of information and knowledge of a kind that was basically independent of time and space.

  • Your dreaming self possesses psychological dimensions that escape you, and they serve to connect genetic and reincarnational systems. You must, again, realize that the self that you know is only a part of your larger identity — an identity that is [also] historically actualized in other times than your own. You must also understand that mental activity is of the utmost potency. You experience your dreams from your own perspective, as a rule. (Long pause.) I am simply trying to give you a picture of one kind of dream occurrence, or to show you one picture of dream activity of which you are not usually aware.

  • Life is to be pursued at all costs — not because it is innately meaningful, but because it is the only game going, and it is a game of chance at best. One life is all you have, and that one is everywhere beset by the threat of illness, disaster, and war — and if you escape such drastic circumstances, then you are still left with a life that is the result of no more than lifeless elements briefly coming into a consciousness and vitality that is bound to end.

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Diary Claudia Dawson Diary Claudia Dawson

Mechanical waters on fire and the natural vision

In last night’s dream, a young girl was spilling lighter fluid in the water to set fire to the seas. We tried to snuff it out with a tower of machinery—old car parts, boat fragments and helicopter chunks. 

Today in waking life, on the road back from LA, I see only the natural elements of the earth—water, fruits, trees and skies.

What happens to my perception of reality when I ignore the rest?

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Diary Claudia Dawson Diary Claudia Dawson

Memory Log - August 2024

Phrases, mantras, and concepts that I don’t want to forget. Seeds to plant and keep watering:

  • I see the golden 8s showering us from the cosmos: I see the agreement to come down to earth to be horizontal linear creatures like the animals. This is how we become family with the earth, the jewel of our galaxy. — Channeled vision, August 8, 2024 (Lion’s Gate)

  • We come down on giant waves of water toward the earth. There are epochs of this and periods of no descending. — Clairaudient dream, July 29, 2024

  • “Disenjar” Cristy, they said. Disenjar is a hybrid word meaning to remove from a confined state and release. Cristy, being my inner child aspect. — Dream, July 10, 2024

  • Caption the moment”: What’s it like to wake up and only think about yourself? This is said in a positive way, as separatism is part of the game. But we’re enmeshed in the collective field. I see it as captions or indexes of moments. Describe what the secret desire of Claudia is at this moment. Like in stage plays—everyone with their own beat and energy arrow headed in a specific way. What is everyone’s true desire here? You should be aware of it every moment, and caption it. — Dream, July 28, 2024. (Two nights later, my angelic guides presented this in another way to understand better)

  • “Unhook from the storyline.” An old dream message that keeps resurfacing.

  • “Clear Paths, Open Roads” / "Living heaven on earth" — Mantras spoken in a Medicine Journey, July 6, 2024

  • "Nothing to prove, all to express" — Akashic Records, August 17, 2024

  • From Prisoner to Potential.” — The Changing Fish jumping out of the cup of water. Voice Dialogue / Dreamwork Session, August 19, 2024.

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Psychic Claudia Dawson Psychic Claudia Dawson

Unlocking information in bones with sound

“A mermaid living in a house made of whale bones” image channeled by Sarah @ethericdreamsart

  • "Information is stored in bone and stone. In some places in Tibet where the lines of continuity in sects of monks can be traced back for thousands and thousands of years, people have kept the skulls of different masters. They have very secret crypts and rooms filled with these skulls. When one walks into these places, one can, through sound, access the intelligence factors of the humans who once occupied those skulls."

  • "Do you understand why crystal skulls were designed? Crystalline structures are like holographic computers: they can transmit to the evolved or plugged in human a tremendous amount of information. They are designed like skulls to act as a code for understanding your own skull and understanding that the bone in your body is very valuable"

  • "Sound is a tool for transformation. Keepers of Frequency, which is what we are encouraging you to become, learn how to modulate the frequency they hold through sound. Sound can penetrate any substance, move molecules, and rearrange realities."

  • "Information is stored and written in stone. Information is also stored and written in bone. That is why it is important to work with the skeletal structure, because it houses much of your experience in this lifetime. Let things come out, and do not chastise yourself because you thought you were finished with certain events. Say, "This is wonderful! There is more here. I love it!" Use the experience as if you are discovering a gold mine as if you are discovering that you are a newly birthed, wealthy person.

  • All you go through is what you decide you have to go through. You don't know how much you are clearing. You are opening avenues of consciousness for the planet, not just for yourselves. The good thing is that what you are clearing now is the easier stuff. Some of the far-out bizarre stuff will come later when will be so blasé about it that it won't make any difference. Everything happens in its own time."

    (Barbara Marciniak and Tera Thomas, Bringers of the Dawn)

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Dreams Claudia Dawson Dreams Claudia Dawson

* The Boy with the Asteriated Eyes

Dream, June 10, 2024

I dream of a baby boy, finally born in the astral realm. I go to pick him up from the floor, and as he reaches up toward my arms, I see that his pupils are star-shaped. Because of this, he is blind in the 3D realm. His asteriated eyes let in too much light, and he cannot see matter or forms—only higher realm energies.

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Dreams Claudia Dawson Dreams Claudia Dawson

Higher realm cue cards

Dream, July 30, 2024:

Every moment or conversation is now shown to me on a cue card as if to revise or review that the scene is on track. A continuation of the dream two nights ago where I was asked to caption each moment with the highest and lowest energies being expressed and the secret desires that are acting as driving forces.

Reviewing the dialogue for higher meanings. 

The layers of language—my own soul history and remembering the mastering of language, symbols and forms from beyond this life.

Consider the effects and how manipulation can occur when emotional tone is woven into language.

What are the cue cards the other person is working off? See all the influences or driving forces at play in any given moment. This dream was also a reminder from my spirit guides that I am responsible for speaking only a higher language—natural, transparent and pure.

Avoiding or resistance of the higher perspective is what causes pain and discomfort in my body. Only 5% of reality is above ground, the rest of it is influenced by the subconsciousness. Ask yourself what exactly is puppeteering you?

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Psychic Claudia Dawson Psychic Claudia Dawson

Above Earth memory

Clairaudient dream vision:

“We come down on giant waves of water toward the earth. There are epochs of this and periods of no descending.”

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Books Claudia Dawson Books Claudia Dawson

Book highlights: The Prism of Lyra by Lyssa Royal

Below are my favorite highlights from the book. I opted to leave out the histories of our E.T. ancestors and founders and share what I feel is the most important information for us 3D linear earthlings: the purpose of polarity and the path of integration.


  • In Earth’s present development the self is recognized first, then society, and finally the Whole, All That Is, or God. Separation is still created. This separation from the Source is an illusion. This illusion is a tool that provides the Whole with all the necessary lessons and challenges it needs to experience in order to reintegrate back into the Source.

  • What has been termed “creation” is indeed this fragmentation, or, more descriptively, the Dimensional Infusion. The Whole’s initial curiosity about a fragmented existence actually created the reality itself. It required a shift in perspective, focus, or frequency.

  • It first held the notion that polarity and fragmentation would be the norm. The encoding in the blueprint provided the option of Free Will on the part of each fragment or soul. The challenge was in remembering that each consciousness possessed it. The more Free Will is used, the more divine memory is invoked. When faced with a polarized reality, Free Will becomes the liberator.

  • Whether or not it was remembered, every action taken would generate a response from the universe. Some have called this karma; however, it is much more than “an eye for an eye.” Instead of punishments for negative behavior, there is always the option of expanding one’s awareness. Therefore, in a sense, wisdom “erases” karma.


  • What was the actual process of the Dimensional Infusion? There exists within the time/space fabric of the constellation Lyra what can be called a white hole. Compare this white hole to a prism. In passing a beam of light through a prism, one gets a spectrum of light fragmented into seven visible color frequencies. When a portion of the Whole passed through The Prism of Lyra (the white hole), consciousness was fragmented into seven vibratory frequencies that represent the mass consciousness of Earth’s galactic family. Each fragment became conscious on all of these different frequencies or densities. Frequencies were previously experienced as being integrated into the Whole (like white light). When this portion of the Whole passed through the prism, it manifested as seven aware frequencies. Consciousness also fragmented, and the fragments moved “away” from each other as the “Big Bang” theory symbolically suggests. The illusion thus arose that each fragment was very, very alone.


  1. Awareness as a point; Physical matter. The basic life forms of mineral and water, for example, are all operating from first-density frequency.

  2. Second Density: Awareness as a line. The consciousness expressed by second-density vibration does not possess self-awareness (or ego).

  3. Third Density: Volumetric awareness; Ego; Loss of group identity, development of individual identity; Ability to remember past and cognize the future while retaining present awareness. This is the density where human beings emerge. This is the frequency that expresses the most separation from the Whole. It is from here that many lessons about integration are learned. This is the most intense of all levels in its cultivation of growth within the Self. Cetaceans (dolphins and whales) presently exist simultaneously in third and fourth densities and are transitioning out of third along with humanity. The consciousness of primates exists in third density as well.

  4. Fourth Density: Containment of volumetric awareness; Superconsciousness; Reintegration of group identity without loss of ego identity; As vibration increases, perception of past, present, and future become more fluid along with the ability to interface with multidimensional and multidensity realities; Negatively oriented consciousness becomes more difficult to maintain. Presently on Earth, fourth-density reality is overlapping third. It is easy to see how this is coming into play with the thousands of individuals upon Earth who are in therapy, in substance-abuse programs, and engaging in humanistic efforts to better the planet. This is the frequency of responsibility. This is the last frequency where physical bodies are the vehicles for the expression of consciousness. Hence many civilizations choose to spend long periods of time within this density.

  5. Fifth Density: Experiential awareness of “I” as a group identity; Not bound by linear time. In this density sentient consciousness begin to awaken to its heritage. This is the density of wisdom. As one awakens the wisdom within, they very often want to share it with those who are still focused in the lower densities. Many from this realm choose to become guides for others. A fifth-density being merges with its family of consciousness (“oversoul” or “higher self,” if you will) and begins to remember. This is the first density in which a nonphysical orientation is experienced.

  6. Sixth Density: Awareness as the dimension itself. This has often been called the “Christ Consciousness” in that it displays a frequency level equal to that of the Christ or Buddha. From this frequency a total remembrance occurs, and one begins taking responsibility for the Whole rather than the Self. The process of progressing the Self and progressing the Whole become one and the same.

  7. Seventh Density: Awareness as the multidimensional experience; Group-matrix identity (Social Memory Complex). This is the frequency of total oneness or integration. Those who vibrate to this frequency are merged in identity and become a mass-conscious whole. They magnetize those in other frequencies and provide the current for the natural flow toward integration.


  • The “Founders” began to understand the natural energy patterns of the polarized reality just created. It became obvious to them that the newly fragmented group consciousness interfaces with specific realities (i.e. densities) within three main points: (1) A point of pure positivity; (2) A point of pure negativity; (3) The integrative point of the two. All interactions occur within the lines that connect each point, with very few aspects of consciousness existing within the points of purity.

  • If a civilization or consciousness chooses integration (the willingness to grow from both polarities), they will naturally move toward the integrative point, fueled by the momentum of both polarities. This can be viewed as an allowing form of integration.

  • As the process grew exponentially, the Founders began to see the infinite reflections of the Whole, and to some extent it became overwhelming to them. As these groups evolved and achieved space travel, they exposed themselves to the development of other planetary groups in the area. Cultures began to mix and grow. New philosophies were born. For a period of time the Lyran races rapidly developed advanced technology, expansive philosophy, and strong social development due to the interactions between these planetary cultures. Then the dynamics of the template began to be displayed. Polarities began to solidify, generating their own polarization that continued exponentially in turn. Negative polarities began splitting and manifesting their own negative/positive poles. Positive poles did the same. The feminine expressed its masculine, and the masculine expressed its feminine. Polarities exploded like viruses within the previously blossoming civilization.

  • When opposite polarities are forced, not integrated, they cause fusion.

  • These negative/positive orientations are not judgments. They are representative of the idea of poles — equal but possessing opposite energy.

  • When two opposite polarities meet, they are naturally attracted. When they attempt fusion (rather than integration) they produce a force of enormous energy. They produce sparks. They produce change. Sometimes they even produce pain.


  • It seems obvious that a civilization would not be able to reach the cosmos and the folding of space-time dimensions if it cannot resolve its conflicts on a planetary level. The expansion of consciousness required for such a leap may be dependent upon the unified whole. If the whole is not integrated and balanced, attempts may be fruitless. Earth may just not be ready. Humanity wants to reach for the stars but very often cannot even reach for the hand of its neighbor.

  • The extraterrestrial connection is important, but what is even more important is developing a global perspective. Expansion will come from action — the claiming of responsibility for Earth by humanity itself. The extraterrestrials will not intervene to clean up humanity’s mess. Earth is entering adulthood and has been kicked out of the nest. It would serve humanity to release its victimhood, claim its divine birthright, and create heaven on Earth. The extraterrestrials can only remind humanity of its unlimited potential.


  • Their desire to create forgetfulness was so strong that they remembered nothing of their origin. They did not dream. They did not meditate. They did not pursue creative activities except to maintain their structure of domination. When their zealousness translated into physical reality, it created a culture driven by the desire for domination — over each other and the universe around them.

  • They had cut themselves off from spirit even to the point of death, where an immediate reincarnation into the system occurred again, further alienating them from any form of nonphysical existence.


  • It is important to note that the Sirians are not meant to be spoken about as a group of extraterrestrials as much as a group consciousness expressing itself both physically and nonphysically.

  • Though it is only a small percentage, a group of positive Sirians decided to incarnate into physicality as well. However, they rejected the humanoid form for a form that is more representative of their nature. This form is the cetacean. Dolphins and whales represent a translation of Sirius energy upon a physical, polarized world. In archetypal symbology, water represents the subconscious. Cetaceans are there silently — in Earth’s oceans and in the sea of humanity’s subconscious. They remain as a reminder of humanity’s potential for integration.

  • These Mayans were, in a sense, tourists from the Sirius realm (incarnate here on Earth) who wanted to experience physicality from a closer vantage point. Their relationship with the Mayans was so intimate that the Sirians actually shared with them the technology of transmutation — from matter to pure energy/consciousness. When their lessons were complete, the masters of the Mayan race vanished (transmuted), leaving behind a trail for humanity to follow.


  • Then something miraculous occurred. During generations of spiritual gestation a seed began to grow. A soul incarnated who embodied all the hopes and dreams of the Orion races and had none of the hatred or fear. When he was born, he was safely contained in an energetically and emotionally neutral environment deep within the planet so he would not become polarized. At adulthood he began to teach.

  • He taught universal laws — integration cannot be achieved through negativity. One must integrate positivity and negativity to the balance point. One must love, not fear. The idea of peace and freedom must be loved so much that one is willing to live it in one’s soul despite outside manifestations.


  • When passing through The Prism of Lyra, there were some beings who decided to remain in nonphysical form. These beings lovingly chose an existence of service to those of the more dense realities, such as third-density Earth. They realized that on developing physical worlds the evolving life may need assistance from other realms. This assistance would come in the form of archetypes, angels, guides, and unseen inspiration.

  • Very often Arcturan beings will manifest to humans as angels. They have chosen to learn about physicality through physical beings.

  • They are etheric in nature. Their energy can be felt as a presence, a surge of creativity or unconditional love. They will manifest according to the belief system of the person with whom they are interacting. To the more traditionally religious, it will be as angels. To some of the more modern seekers, perhaps as extraterrestrials or future selves. Either way the outcome is the same — an interaction with a truly loving being devoted to the service of physical beings and thus the Whole.


  • Once [we] made the choice to receive knowledge of polarity [we] were fully anchored in the physical. [We] now possessed ego, or knowledge of “I am,” and became self-aware.

  • Resolution comes from allowance. If the human race can truly allow diversity within unity from a point of nonjudgment, Heaven on Earth will be created.

  • Integration means the allowance of all levels of being as valid portions of the whole. It means letting go of denial. It means embracing ourselves as well as each other.

  • Existence and change are the only constants.

  • The conscious action that will accelerate our integration process is very simple — allowance. If we allow on all levels in which the integration takes place, we will see our paths unfold before us joyously.

Integration will take place on four main levels: Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, and Physical.

For us to integrate our mentality means that we allow ourselves to combine not only our cerebral processes, but our intuitive and emotional ones as well. The kind of thought today that is validated most is almost entirely head-centered. Formulas and calculations determine the reality of twenty-first century Earth. If we can allow ourselves to understand that the intuitive and emotional processes are just as valid and can be used in combination with the mental, we will be well on our way toward integrating our mentality.

Integrating emotionally means that we begin learning how to embrace our shadow self. We can start opening inner closets and digging deep into the subconscious for beliefs which hold us back. More often than not, these neglected parts of ourselves only want attention. Denial and separation only prolongs the pain of existence. Let us learn from these other selves on distant worlds. Let us not repeat the same lessons over and over again.

To integrate spiritually is perhaps the easiest of all. Each person possesses an inner spirituality that is not connected to doctrine. If we can release the doctrine and touch the innate spirituality, we begin the integration process. It extends outward onto the planet by the honoring of every person’s truth as a manifestation of the One Truth. This allows each of us to coexist within our philosophies without needing to change each other’s beliefs. If we have the courage to begin touching this inner spirituality, we will see our transformation blossom. Our divine nature is already an integrated experience — but can we learn to transcend the mind’s ego games and see our true Selves?

Integration physically is slightly different. It involves an acknowledgment of our past and our history as being part of a grander scenario on a cosmic scale. From the Source and the Founders we fragmented. We have stretched our individualization to its outer limits. Coming together will require us to once again acknowledge and accept ourselves as part of our galactic family. As we move through our racial fears and stop allowing skin color and cultural differences to be barriers between us, …. we can allow integration on all levels into our physical life here on Earth.

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Psychic Claudia Dawson Psychic Claudia Dawson

Definitions of realms after Death

Dream, February 3, 2024. I was a counselor at a rehab realm between Death and Life. All the discarnate spirits who populated this interrealm wanted to be reborn. Some of them had failed at Life, lacking the spiritual faculties to survive. This was a re-training ground for them. On this particular day, we attended a street carnival to simulate the spirit of Life. I became aware of a vast network of undercover helpers — or cosmic coyotes — who help to smuggle spirits back toward the light and Life on Earth. I sense that I might be a part of this "Underground Railroad" for the inbetween realms.

In my astral travels I spend a lot of time in interrealms or transitional dimensions. The type I frequent the most is a rehab realm for discarnate spirits. Below are some definitions for the other death dimensions I have visited.


Limbo is a concept that originated within Christianity, specifically within the Roman Catholic tradition, although it is not officially part of the Catholic doctrine as of the latest teachings. Historically, it was thought of as a state or place of natural happiness without the beatific vision of God, reserved for those who had not been baptized and thus were free from personal sin but still bore original sin. Limbo provided an answer to the theological question of the fate of unbaptized infants and righteous people who lived before the coming of Christ.


Purgatory, also a concept from Christian theology, particularly within the Roman Catholic Church, is a state of purification or temporary punishment for those who have died in a state of grace but still need to be purified of venial sins or have not fully paid the temporal punishment for sins that had been forgiven. It is a place or state where souls undergo purification to achieve the holiness necessary to enter heaven. The living can assist those in purgatory through prayers, masses, and acts of penance.


Bardo comes from Tibetan Buddhism and refers to an intermediate state between death and rebirth. The concept of bardo encompasses various stages, including the moment of death, the experience of the afterlife, and the process leading to rebirth. The most well-known text associated with this concept is the "Tibetan Book of the Dead," which describes the experiences the consciousness goes through during this period. The bardo is a critical time when the possibility of liberation or enlightenment is heightened, but it also presents challenges as the soul encounters various visions and must recognize them as projections of their own mind to avoid being drawn into another cycle of rebirth based on karma.


The Summerlands is often associated with Wiccan and other neopagan beliefs, described as a peaceful and restful afterlife for souls where they reflect on the life they have lived and prepare for their next incarnation. It is akin to a limbo but is characterized by a more positive and serene environment. The specifics of the Summerlands can vary among different pagan traditions, but it generally represents a place of rest between lives, where souls can recover, reflect, and eventually choose their next life in order to continue their spiritual development.

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Books Claudia Dawson Books Claudia Dawson

Six rules for knowing higher worlds

Below are six foundational principles to master before communicating with higher realms. Inspired and paraphrased from “How to Know Higher Worlds” by Rudolf Steiner.

  1. Create a chain of “true” thoughts and harmonious actions.

  2. Correct all illogical and out of sync thinking and actions.

    • Stay true your values: Divine Love, Beauty, Truth, Humor, Play

  3. Cultivate follow through and perseverance.

  4. Do not withdraw your light from the darkness — seek to understand it.

  5. Practice openness and impartiality toward all the phenomena of life. Banish timidity and have fail in your goal of understanding the shadows.

  6. “Hold the neutrality stick.”

"All fear is useless. I must not let it take hold of me. I must think only of what is to be done." In fact, we must reach a point, in situations that earlier would have caused us to be afraid, in which the very idea of fear and lack of courage become things impossible for us to conceive in the core of our soul." — Rudolf Steiner, How to Know Higher Worlds

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Diary Claudia Dawson Diary Claudia Dawson

Giant Shadow Personality

I realized her shadow personality was darkening the true parts of herself that were pure, bright light. I knew that enlightening did not mean bestowing light on to another person, but to see their darkness for what it is — shadows cast by the pure light within them.

As moons, we reflect the light we see in other souls and hold vigil for them during their dark periods.

I realized that some people climb their mountain, see another mountain — covet and long to be on that far off peak — but forget the arduous soul process of climbing and conquering.

In the dream, I knew about the Giants that used to live on Earth. I wasn’t surprised to hear about the folklore. I had been chased by their looming shadows. Or maybe I only thought I was being chased because I was running away. I ran from the giants’ shadows because the other people were running.

I should have let myself be swallowed by the darkness in order to find the largest source of light I had ever encountered.

Open Tab:

“What was I made for?” — A question I want to answer.

Trash Can:

Longing for other peaks, when I am not done exploring my current mountain.


Dreaming of Giants of Kentucky and the Yangtze River.

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Diary Claudia Dawson Diary Claudia Dawson

Dream Fragments, 01-22-2024

  • I’m waiting to be arrested when the cop whispers to me, “You know you’re a fast runner right?” I realize I can just leave, so I do.

  • Shaq Attack: Shaq sneaks into my bedroom at night and tries to violate me, but I take him down despite my smaller size.

  • I’m in a dream realm where everyone ages many years while I’m in conversation with them.

  • Tall Printers: Can print really tall pages — not long pages, but tall ones. A few nights later I see a tall book in a separate dream and remember my tall printer.

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Psychic Claudia Dawson Psychic Claudia Dawson

Removal of Negative Energetic Parasites

Below is a summary of what causes or attracts energetic parasites and how to fight against or remove these suppressive entities. This is not advice. Do not pull out your hair. I’m only sharing to bring awareness to these entities, not to breed paranoia. If you are prone to paranoia, or fearful of demons or aliens do not read.

Source: "Negative Aliens and Suppressor Parasite Entities (SPEs)" by Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D

SPEs are said to originate from two sources. The first is through parasitic feeding, where they control your mind by mimicking your vocal frequency, leading you to believe that their whispers are your own thoughts. This control can lead to self-destructive behaviors, such as addiction, which can allow these entities to grow and potentially possess you.

(If you have a negative thought, question where it comes from. If it did not originate from you, release it/shake it off/protect yourself with a prayer or invocation.)

The second source of SPEs is from resistance to your efforts, particularly if you are a lightworker or someone in service to humanity who speaks against negative aliens. These entities can cause pain as they find you too strong and resolved to subdue.

To remove these entities, the author suggests pulling them out (energetically, not physically), starting from the hair around the top of your ears where they form an attachment.

The best strategy, however, is to strengthen your will power, never submit to fear, and continue doing good to raise your frequency higher. The author emphasizes the importance of preserving the sanctity of your divine inherent solar energetic consciousness.

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Psychic Claudia Dawson Psychic Claudia Dawson

Journey notes, 12-04-2023

AI-summarized notes from a conversation with my friend Sarah about my recent psychedelic journey.

On Higher Consciousness and Spirit Guides

  • During my psychedelic journey on December 1, I spent a lot of time negotiating how much information higher realms should provide

  • Realized higher self is always connected to higher realms, but now 3D self is also connecting more with guidance and information

  • Everything happens on etheric/astral level first before manifesting physically

  • I have multiple higher selves we can connect with, not just one

  • Many worlds/realms exist, each with own timelines - we are creating realities and serving as "patronesses" of specific energies

On Goddesses and Archetypes

  • Felt presence of and connection to Divine Feminine creator, realized significance of cosmic womb/egg in creation (I came back with a persistent prayer ending with “In her womb”

  • Higher beings give us myths/stories (like Dune) to awaken people to certain archetypes/energies

  • Soul guides explained that the movie The Marvels depicts a good example of quantum entanglement/physics of consciousness

  • Stella Maris (a collective being) is aligned with higher cetacean beings, and serves as aquatic library of prehistoric knowledge

On Shadow Work and Karma

  • Shadow work helps repressions/limitations surface so they can be healed

  • Before incarnating, soul imprints with karmic threads/emotions that need to be cleared (Sarah shared this insight with me)

  • Our pets process emotional energies/karma for us too

On Assignments and Growth

  • Dreams/visions provide guidance on next projects/growth areas

  • One of my personal assignments is to find language to translate etheric downloads into accessible human concepts

  • Soul guide nudges help build trust in higher support while retaining free will

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Soul Work Claudia Dawson Soul Work Claudia Dawson

A working manifesto of Free Will

I am a sovereign being who has the ability to advocate for myself. I choose experiences that are consciousness and life-expanding, and I say NO to all energy drains and life-shrinking experiences.

I do not need a priest or a shaman to communicate with the Divine.

I can wear any mask or play any role I want, I do not have to participate in the victim/perpetrator storyline if it is pushed on me.

My angels and spirit guides are there to advise me when asked, but I do not have to make any choices I am not ready to make. I can ask the flow of consciousness to slow down and take my time to integrate at my pace.

Psychic protection practices are my spiritual right. This includes crossing my arms to pull in my aura and protect my solar plexus.

I choose to not shrink away from darkness, but instead expand my light to shed awareness on these natures and realities. I reach toward a consciousness that embraces opposites.

I create my own reality based on my principles, values, beliefs and divine intuitions — and these are allowed to change as I explore consciousness and other realities. I am allowed to transform.

I respect every human and creature’s free will and boundaries. I do not force others to live in my worlds or attempt to break down their deep internal structures of reality. I meet every person where they are at emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. I see the Divine in every human being.

I’m aware that my consciousness participates in other realities and that there are other species of TIME, yet I deeply respect the linear flowing of time and this one reality we choose to create together.

I accept myself as an active participant in a shared reality. I believe that only I am responsible for my choices and I do not make self-destructive choices. I choose to support the spiritual evolution of my soul and heart and that of others.

I believe in both Free Will and Universal Laws. Paradoxes exist on all planes of Reality. We alter all timelines — past and future — by the choices we make in the present.

If I can accept the consequences of my actions, then I am truly free.

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Diary Claudia Dawson Diary Claudia Dawson

Reality Debrief, 11-20-2023

💭 Thought Fragments

  • Motion in dreams serve as energies to embody to loosen up the rigidity of our mental frameworks. For example: I dream I am 40 and I am jumping up and down as mode of travel down a street. I come across a younger woman and I say to her, “Here’s a secret for when you turn 40. When you’re 40 you’ll want to jump everywhere!” And I jump away. In waking life I’ll be 40 in about six months, but in the dream I already knew that after 40 I will no longer walk or run to get from point A to point B, I’ll jump there. Maybe this symbolizes leaps in growth or judgement or jumping to conclusions, or maybe this is what wisdom represents, that I have earned a certain amount of life or leeway and I can now get to a space or arrive at a state of mind via a faster method.

  • The purpose of Media in integration. I feel guided by books, films and music as if they are alive energies or media spirit guides nudging me along the path. The next book is always the perfect book. I practice bibliomancy every day and the passage I read always confirms what I dreamed the night before. Films often fill in the blank spots and questions I have about my dream content. It’s like the dream imagery comes first, and if I have no answers for it, the media will resolve the questions. Right now, I’m slowly watching Defending Your Life with Albert Brooks, which is making sense of all my Interlife / Above Earth memories and dreams.

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Diary Claudia Dawson Diary Claudia Dawson

Reality Debrief, 11-15-2023


Humanity wants to reach for the stars but very often cannot even reach for the hand of its neighbor. …As much as humanity might want to meet its cousins from the sky, they will not initiate an open contact program until humanity can embrace its brothers across the street. It is up to this planet. It is humanity who is calling the shots.
— Lyssa Royal Holt, The Prism of Lyra

What’s above or beyond aliens? Only prime matter and source energy. The consciousness of creation. Infinite possibilities for new planes of existence and realities.

What's important is not the communication with ETs or higher beings, but the transformation that happens within you as a result — and the art form is in the translation of these higher dimensional messages.

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Diary Claudia Dawson Diary Claudia Dawson

Reality Debrief, 11-14-2023


  • Music can transmute emotions instantly, pulling you out of whatever mood you're in. Letting go of grievances and judgements creates space for the Universe to surprise you. This morning while showering this song came on and instantly wiped the slate clean from any feelings or expectations I had toward the day.

  • There are multiple timelines and continuums. We interact with aspects of ourselves from different timelines in dreams. Staying aligned with our divine purpose keeps the timelines straight. Related dream

  • The role of a Lightworker or an Energy Healer can be simply described as holding a high frequency. This is how — one by one —we can affect mass consciousness and change the future.

  • There are heavens and utopias where the soul finds respite, yet we come back to Earth or this 3D Reality to grow through challenges. There is no FINISH LINE, only periods of rest in a continuous cycle of growth and evolution.

  • Grounding oneself and reconnecting with reality can be a powerful tool in managing emotions and perceptions. This involves not making assumptions about others' moods or expectations, but rather focusing on the present moment and the infinite possibilities it holds. Remember, reality is far more interesting than our worries and fears.

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Diary Claudia Dawson Diary Claudia Dawson

Reality Debrief, 11-13-2023


I’m becoming more aware of the shortcuts my mind takes to create reality. My brain pieces everything together so quickly — before my other senses. I’m practicing letting my other senses guide me throughout the day. Grounding myself and energy from moment to moment.


A book highlight that resurfaced today. Rest in peace Antero Alli.

"C-1 Task #1: Locating an I.P. (The Integrity Point) Determine where, in the course of your daily life, you can say with total honesty “I can stand behind this 100%.” Call this area your I.P., your 100% integrity point. NOTE: an I.P. can be almost anything—your love for your dog, your favorite theory of everything, your car, your genitalia, your internet addiction, your God or Goddess, your morning cup of coffee."

(Antero Alli, The Eight-Circuit Brain)

I tagged this as #to-do. Today my Integrity Point — something that I can stand behind 100% — is Introspection as a form of spiritual evolution. Introspection does not lead to individualism or narcissism. Individuation is an element of the Introspection process, but what I have found is that Introspection leads to integration of polarities and brings me closer and closer to Unity.


Trying to control the timelines but everyone keeps making dumb ass decisions. A man convinces himself he’s going to become Houdini before Houdini becomes Houdini, just because he looks good in a top hat. 


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